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Our client in Beckert v. State Farm was injured in a car accident caused by another driver. We thought the liability was clear, but the negligent driver’s insurance company did not want to cooperate, and our client’s own insurer, State Farm, was not much better. State Farm thought our client should only be paid $30,000 by the other driver’s insurance provider, and that they owed nothing to our client themselves.

When no settlement was offered, we took the case to court. The extent of our client’s injuries prompted us to ask the jury to award $80,000 to $100,000 in damages to our client. Led by Attorney James Farmer, our firm’s managing partner, we successfully outmaneuvered the opposition in the courtroom, resulting in a win for our client.

The jury returned with a verdict of $89,872. The amount would be reduced to $50,000 due to insurance caps, but this is still $20,000 more than State Farm ever wanted to offer our client.

How Insurance Caps Affect Case Results

The at-fault party’s insurance provider paid their max liability limit of $30,000 due to the jury verdict. Our client carries $50,000 in underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage. Although, State Farm was trying to dodge any accountability by saying the $30,000 from the other insurer was fair enough to take care of our client.

As a result, we had to take the case against our client’s own insurer, State Farm, to court in pursuit of further damages. The jury agreed that State Farm did owe our client damages through their UIM coverage, reaching the $89,872 verdict. The policy limit of $50,000 capped that amount to an additional $20,000 paid through State Farm.

This case result is a good example as to why you should carry suitable auto insurance coverage valued at $100,000 or more. If someone with no or minimal insurance coverage hits and injures you, then you can still fight for fair damages due to your higher insurance cap, even if that means you have to bring a case against your own insurer.

To learn more about our services here at Farmer & Klopfer in Waldorf, please call (301) 265-2220. You can also use an online contact form to arrange a consultation with our team if you need representation for an injury claim of your own.